Shipping & Receiving

General Information

For all requests relating to Shipping & Receiving, please:

  • go to room 3E.14
  • call local 1333
  • shipping address
    4011 De Maisonneuve West.
    Westmount, QC
    H3Z 3G4

Open Hours

  • Monday to Friday: 7:30 – 12:00 & 13:00 – 15:30
  • Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Receiving or Sending Parcels

Please indicate the correct information on your receiving or sending parcels.
If a parcel cannot be delivered, it will be returned to sender.

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  • Department
  • Office number
  • Phone number (office or cell)

Contact Information

Administrative Support Agent
Michel Ross
Email: Show Email
Office: 3E.14
Local: 1333

Last Modified: November 23, 2022