In-Session Assessment (Quiz/Test/Exam) – Faculty

Invigilation of TIMED in-session assessments

The SAAC will invigilate all timed assessments that are to be completed within class time as long as a student signs up for it.  We will provide invigilation in the same environment given to the class, online or in-person. All suspicious behaviour will be reported to the teacher.

Student sign-up for TIMED assessments

For student to access their accommodations during a classroom-timed assessment, they will be responsible for signing up with the SAAC by using the AccessAbility Online Module. The deadline to sign-up is 3 days (excluding weekends) prior to the assessment date.  The SAAC may allow some exceptions to this deadline.

Faculty confirmation or modification of assessments

Once you receive an email confirmation of a student’s registration, we kindly ask that you confirm and/or modify the definitions and provide us with the assessment parameters by using the .  We ask that you do so as soon as feasible.


Online Assessments

For online assessments, the SAAC is unable to add students’ extended time on faculty chosen assessment platforms.  It is important that faculty adjust the assessment start time, end time and duration for each student according to their extra time accommodation as indicated on their accommodation letter and as specified in the AccessAbililty Online Module for each student and assessment.

Last Modified: March 10, 2022